Custom Query (10 matches)


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Status: closed (9 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#12 Clean up the web interface ecprice enhancement critical web
#67 Style the web interface ecprice enhancement critical web
#33 Serial console access broder task major vnc
#44 Hostname set over DHCP should be reasonable broder defect major dhcp
#56 Gutsy ubuntu-desktop for autoinstaller price enhancement major autoinstallers
#52 web operations' result pages should be capable of reload ecprice defect minor web
#53 web operations hang until (slow) completion price defect minor autoinstallers
#57 autoinstaller accept a root password, or make a random one price defect minor autoinstallers
#70 fix mouse tracking in VNC ecprice defect minor vnc

Status: new (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#55 put the VNC applet on its own page ecprice enhancement minor web
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.