""" Functions to perform remctls. """ from sipb_xen_database import Machine, Disk, Type, NIC, CDROM, ctx, meta import validation from webcommon import CodeError, InvalidInput import random import subprocess import sys import time import re # ... and stolen from xend/uuid.py def randomUUID(): """Generate a random UUID.""" return [ random.randint(0, 255) for _ in range(0, 16) ] def uuidToString(u): """Turn a numeric UUID to a hyphen-seperated one.""" return "-".join(["%02x" * 4, "%02x" * 2, "%02x" * 2, "%02x" * 2, "%02x" * 6]) % tuple(u) # end stolen code def kinit(username = 'daemon/sipb-xen.mit.edu', keytab = '/etc/sipb-xen.keytab'): """Kinit with a given username and keytab""" p = subprocess.Popen(['kinit', "-k", "-t", keytab, username], stderr=subprocess.PIPE) e = p.wait() if e: raise CodeError("Error %s in kinit: %s" % (e, p.stderr.read())) def checkKinit(): """If we lack tickets, kinit.""" p = subprocess.Popen(['klist', '-s']) if p.wait(): kinit() def remctl(*args, **kws): """Perform a remctl and return the output. kinits if necessary, and outputs errors to stderr. """ checkKinit() p = subprocess.Popen(['remctl', 'black-mesa.mit.edu'] + list(args), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) v = p.wait() if kws.get('err'): return p.stdout.read(), p.stderr.read() if v: print >> sys.stderr, 'Error', v, 'on remctl', args, ':' print >> sys.stderr, p.stderr.read() raise CodeError('ERROR on remctl') return p.stdout.read() def lvcreate(machine, disk): """Create a single disk for a machine""" remctl('web', 'lvcreate', machine.name, disk.guest_device_name, str(disk.size)) def makeDisks(machine): """Update the lvm partitions to add a disk.""" for disk in machine.disks: lvcreate(machine, disk) def bootMachine(machine, cdtype): """Boot a machine with a given boot CD. If cdtype is None, give no boot cd. Otherwise, it is the string id of the CD (e.g. 'gutsy_i386') """ if cdtype is not None: out, err = remctl('control', machine.name, 'create', cdtype, err=True) else: out, err = remctl('control', machine.name, 'create', err=True) if 'already exists' in out: raise InvalidInput('action', 'create', 'VM %s is already on' % machine.name) elif err: raise CodeError('"%s" on "control %s create %s' % (err, machine.name, cdtype)) else: raise CodeError('"%s" on "control %s create %s' % (err, machine.name, cdtype)) def registerMachine(machine): """Register a machine to be controlled by the web interface""" remctl('web', 'register', machine.name) def unregisterMachine(machine): """Unregister a machine to not be controlled by the web interface""" remctl('web', 'unregister', machine.name) def createVm(owner, contact, name, memory, disk_size, is_hvm, cdrom): """Create a VM and put it in the database""" # put stuff in the table transaction = ctx.current.create_transaction() try: validation.validMemory(owner, memory) validation.validDisk(owner, disk_size * 1. / 1024) validation.validAddVm(owner) res = meta.engine.execute('select nextval(' '\'"machines_machine_id_seq"\')') id = res.fetchone()[0] machine = Machine() machine.machine_id = id machine.name = name machine.memory = memory machine.owner = owner machine.administrator = owner machine.contact = contact machine.uuid = uuidToString(randomUUID()) machine.boot_off_cd = True machine_type = Type.get_by(hvm=is_hvm) machine.type_id = machine_type.type_id ctx.current.save(machine) disk = Disk(machine_id=machine.machine_id, guest_device_name='hda', size=disk_size) open_nics = NIC.select_by(machine_id=None) if not open_nics: #No IPs left! raise CodeError("No IP addresses left! " "Contact sipb-xen-dev@mit.edu") nic = open_nics[0] nic.machine_id = machine.machine_id nic.hostname = name ctx.current.save(nic) ctx.current.save(disk) transaction.commit() except: transaction.rollback() raise registerMachine(machine) makeDisks(machine) # tell it to boot with cdrom bootMachine(machine, cdrom) return machine def getUptimes(machines=None): """Return a dictionary mapping machine names to uptime strings""" value_string = remctl('web', 'listvms') lines = value_string.splitlines() d = {} for line in lines: lst = line.split() name, id = lst[:2] uptime = ' '.join(lst[2:]) d[name] = uptime ans = {} for m in machines: ans[m] = d.get(m.name) return ans def parseStatus(s): """Parse a status string into nested tuples of strings. s = output of xm list --long """ values = re.split('([()])', s) stack = [[]] for v in values[2:-2]: #remove initial and final '()' if not v: continue v = v.strip() if v == '(': stack.append([]) elif v == ')': if len(stack[-1]) == 1: stack[-1].append('') stack[-2].append(stack[-1]) stack.pop() else: if not v: continue stack[-1].extend(v.split()) return stack[-1] def statusInfo(machine): """Return the status list for a given machine. Gets and parses xm list --long """ value_string, err_string = remctl('control', machine.name, 'list-long', err=True) if 'Unknown command' in err_string: raise CodeError("ERROR in remctl list-long %s is not registered" % (machine.name,)) elif 'does not exist' in err_string: return None elif err_string: raise CodeError("ERROR in remctl list-long %s: %s" % (machine.name, err_string)) status = parseStatus(value_string) return status def deleteVM(machine): """Delete a VM.""" remctl('control', machine.name, 'destroy', err=True) transaction = ctx.current.create_transaction() delete_disk_pairs = [(machine.name, d.guest_device_name) for d in machine.disks] try: for nic in machine.nics: nic.machine_id = None nic.hostname = None ctx.current.save(nic) for disk in machine.disks: ctx.current.delete(disk) for access in machine.acl: ctx.current.delete(access) ctx.current.delete(machine) transaction.commit() except: transaction.rollback() raise for mname, dname in delete_disk_pairs: remctl('web', 'lvremove', mname, dname) unregisterMachine(machine) def commandResult(user, fields): start_time = 0 machine = validation.testMachineId(user, fields.getfirst('machine_id')) action = fields.getfirst('action') cdrom = fields.getfirst('cdrom') if cdrom is not None and not CDROM.get(cdrom): raise CodeError("Invalid cdrom type '%s'" % cdrom) if action not in ('Reboot', 'Power on', 'Power off', 'Shutdown', 'Delete VM'): raise CodeError("Invalid action '%s'" % action) if action == 'Reboot': if cdrom is not None: out, err = remctl('control', machine.name, 'reboot', cdrom, err=True) else: out, err = remctl('control', machine.name, 'reboot', err=True) if err: if re.match("Error: Domain '.*' does not exist.", err): raise InvalidInput("action", "reboot", "Machine is not on") else: print >> sys.stderr, 'Error on reboot:' print >> sys.stderr, err raise CodeError('ERROR on remctl') elif action == 'Power on': if validation.maxMemory(user, machine) < machine.memory: raise InvalidInput('action', 'Power on', "You don't have enough free RAM quota " "to turn on this machine.") bootMachine(machine, cdrom) elif action == 'Power off': out, err = remctl('control', machine.name, 'destroy', err=True) if err: if re.match("Error: Domain '.*' does not exist.", err): raise InvalidInput("action", "Power off", "Machine is not on.") else: print >> sys.stderr, 'Error on power off:' print >> sys.stderr, err raise CodeError('ERROR on remctl') elif action == 'Shutdown': out, err = remctl('control', machine.name, 'shutdown', err=True) if err: if re.match("Error: Domain '.*' does not exist.", err): raise InvalidInput("action", "Shutdown", "Machine is not on.") else: print >> sys.stderr, 'Error on Shutdown:' print >> sys.stderr, err raise CodeError('ERROR on remctl') elif action == 'Delete VM': deleteVM(machine) d = dict(user=user, command=action, machine=machine) return d def resizeDisk(machine_name, disk_name, new_size): remctl("web", "lvresize", machine_name, disk_name, new_size) def renameMachine(machine, old_name, new_name): for disk in machine.disks: remctl("web", "lvrename", old_name, disk.guest_device_name, new_name) remctl("web", "moveregister", old_name, new_name)