Custom Query (9 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#115 export VM disk images new enhancement minor
#76 factor out MIT-specific configuration new enhancement major Version 2.0
#77 factor out dependence on prdb, lockers, web certs new enhancement major Version 2.0
#79 demo account for non-MIT users new enhancement major Version 2.0
#96 Consider allowing negative caching of DNS results new defect major
#114 FreeBSD disk doesn't work new defect major
#29 Encourage people to turn off their machines. new defect critical Version 2.0
#35 Set up iptables to not forward arbitrary packets to the backend reopened ecprice defect critical Public Beta
#75 publish source-code repo new enhancement critical Version 2.0
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.