Xen Configuration Syntax
Version 0.2
2004 July 19
Xen Configuration
The Xen virtual machine creation tools provide command-line interfaces and
HTTP interfaces to creating virtual machines. Underneath all these interfaces
virtual machine configuration data is represented in a common configuration syntax
called SXP.
The SXP syntax is s-expressions (sxprs), a simple bracketed abstract syntax.
Python lists are used to represent its parsed form, with a support
api providing access to fields and values (class xen.xend.sxp).
SXP syntax
A general s-expression has the syntax:
s-exp = '(' s-exp* ')' | atom | string
Where an atom
is an unquoted string, such as fred or /domain/0.
A string
is a quoted string, supporting the usual escape sequences.
Strings support single or double quotes: 'fred 1' or "fred 2" are both accepted.
The characters ()[]<>{} are separators.
An element
is an s-expression representing data similar to XML.
It has the form:
element = '(' name attributes? value* ')'
name = atom
attributes = '(' '@' attribute* ')'
attribute = '(' attrname attrval ')'
attrname = atom
attrval = atom | string
value = element | atom | string
The name
is the element name (roughly indentifying its type).
The attributes
is a list of attribute-values.
We usually prefer to avoid using attributes, and use sub-elements instead.
As in XML, any element may have the attribute id
to give it an identifier
for later reference.
VM configuration
A vm configuration is a single SXP vm element, with subelements for
vm parameters and devices. The supported elements and their fields
are listed below.
(vm) element
The top-level element, a virtual machine configuration.
- name: string, required. Domain name.
- id: int, optional, default generated. Domain unique id.
- memory: int, required. Domain memory in MB.
- maxmem: int, optional. Maximum domain memory in MB.
- cpu: int, optional. Cpu to run on.
- cpu_weight, float, optional, default 1. Cpu weight - controls share of CPU.
- image: linux | netbsd | ..., required. Domain image (OS-specific element).
- backend: any backend device type, optional, default none.
- device: any device type, optional, repeats. Device.
- restart: string, optional, default onreboot. Restart mode, one of
- onreboot: restart the domain when it exits with code reboot.
- always: always restart the domain when it exits.
- never: never restart the domain.
- console: int, optional, default 9600 + domain id. Console port.
(image (linux)) element
Defines a linux kernel image and its command-line parameters.
- kernel: string, required. Kernel image file (absolute path).
- root: string, optional. Root device.
- ip: string, optional. IP address specifier.
- ramdisk: string, optional, default none. Ramdisk file (absolute path).
- args: string, optional. Extra kernel args.
(image (netbsd)) element
Defines a netbsd kernel image and its command-line parameters.
- kernel: string, required. Kernel image file.
- root: string, optional. Root device.
- ip: string, optional. IP address specifier.
- ramdisk: string, optional, default none. Ramdisk file.
- args: string, optional. Extra kernel args.
(backend (blkif)) element
The vm is a block device backend.
The vm can have pci devices configured.
(backend (netif)) element
The vm is a net device backend.
(device (vif)) element
Defines a virtual network interface.
- mac: string, required. Interface MAC address.
- bridge: string, optional, default system-dependent. Bridge to connect to.
- script: string, optional, default system-dependent. Vif script to use
when bringing the interface up or down.
- ip: IP address, optional, no default. May be repeated. An IP address
or CIDR-format subnet the vif may use.
- backend: domain name or id, optional, default 0.
Defines the domain to use as the backend for the interface.
(device (vbd)) element
Defines a virtual block device.
- uname: string, required. Virtual block device id, e.g phys:hda1.
- dev: string, required. Device file name in domain, e.g. xda1.
- mode: string, optional, default r. Read-write mode: r | rw | w.
- backend: domain name or id, optional, default 0.
Defines the domain to use as the backend for the device.
The uname field defines the device being exported from the block device
controller. The dev field defines the device name the vm will see.
The device is read-only unless the mode contains w.
(device (pci)) element
Defines a pci device.
- bus: int, required. PCI bus id.
- dev: int, required. PCI dev id.
- func: int, required. PCI func id.
The bus, dev or func may be given in hex,
e.g. 0xff. With no leading 0x they are interpreted as decimal.
(vnet) element
Defines the virtual networks associated with vifs (may go away soon).
Contains a list of vif elements:
- id: id of the vif being configured.
- vnet: id of vnet the vif is assigned to.
A vm with 64 MB memory, root on /dev/xda1 (mapped from /dev/hda1),
one vif with default MAC.
(name xendom1)
(memory 64)
(kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.12-xen)
(ip ::::xendom1:eth0:dhcp)
(root /dev/xda1)
(args 'rw fastboot 4')
(device (vif))
(device (vbd (uname phy:hda1) (dev xda1) (mode w)))
A vm with 64 MB memory, NFS root, and 2 vifs on separate vnets.
(name xendom2)
(memory 64)
# Define a linux image.
(kernel "/boot/vmlinuz-2.4.26-xen")
(ip "::::xendom2:eth0:dhcp")
(root "/dev/nfs")
(args "rw fastboot nfsroot= 4")
# Define some vifs, with ids for use later.
(device (vif (@ (id vif1)) (mac aa:00:00:00:00:12)))
(device (vif (@ (id vif2)) (mac aa:00:00:00:10:12)))
# Configure vnets. Refer to vifs by id.
(vnet (vif (id vif1) (vnet 1))
(vif (id vif2) (vnet 2)))