import re def complete(value): if value.startswith('[') and not value.endswith(']'): return False return True def interpret(value): return eval(value) # good enough for now class Metadata: def __init__(self, fn): self.text = open(fn, 'r').read() lines = filter(lambda l: not l.startswith("#") and not l.strip()=='', self.text.splitlines()) d = {} parent = [] node = d mode = 0 for l in lines: if mode == 0: if l.strip() == '}': node = parent[-1] del parent[-1] elif l.strip().endswith('{'): name = l.strip()[:-1].strip() parent.append(node) child = {} node[name] = child node = child else: key, value ='\t*(\S*) = (.*?)(\s*# .*)?$', l).groups()[0:2] if not complete(value): mode = 1 else: node[key] = interpret(value) elif mode == 1: value +='\t*(.*?)( *# .*)?$', l).group(0).strip() if complete(value): node[key] = interpret(value) mode = 0 self.d = d import pprint pprint.pprint(Metadata('xenvg-backup').d)