#!/bin/sh export PATH #WTF? HOSTNAME="$2" DIST="$3" MIRROR="$4" IMAGESIZE="$5" IP="$6" ARCH=amd64 #LVSIZE=`lvs --noheadings --units M --nosuffix -o Size /dev/xenvg/d_foobar_hda | sed 's/\..*//'` if [ -z "$IP" ]; then IP=`host $HOSTNAME.xvm.mit.edu | sed 's/.* //' | head -n 1` fi VOLUME=/dev/mapper/xenvg-d_$(echo "$HOSTNAME" | sed -e 's/-/--/g')_hda # If this script is interrupted, it may not clean up after itself. # In particular, it may leave ${VOLUME}1 mounted somewhere in tmp. # Unmount it, then kpartx -d $VOLUME to clean up. ### ### Create the device for SIPB-Xen purposes ### echo ,${IMAGESIZE}$',L,*\n,,S\n;\n;' | sfdisk -uM -H 255 -S 63 $VOLUME kpartx -a $VOLUME # We use static IP addresses since dhcp doesn't work in paravm because # of a UDP checksum bug. xen-create-image --image-dev ${VOLUME}1 --swap-dev ${VOLUME}2 --fs ext3 --ide --arch $ARCH --dist $DIST --hostname $HOSTNAME --mirror $MIRROR --ip=$IP --netmask= --gateway= --template=/dev/null --cache # xen-create-image always creates a config file. The # --template=/dev/null argument makes it empty, but it still should be # removed. rm -f /etc/xen/$HOSTNAME.cfg kpartx -d $VOLUME