1 | <%page expression_filter="h"/> |
2 | <%def name="databaseList(lst, default, onchange, name, id, valueattr, descattr)"> |
3 | <select name="${name}" id="${id}" \ |
4 | % if onchange: |
5 | onchange="${onchange}"\ |
6 | % endif |
7 | > |
8 | <option ${'' if default else 'selected'} value="">None</option> |
9 | %for item in lst: |
10 | <option ${'selected' if default == getattr(item, valueattr) else ''} value="${getattr(item, valueattr)}"> |
11 | ${getattr(item, descattr)} |
12 | </option> |
13 | % endfor |
14 | </select> |
15 | </%def> |
16 | |
17 | <%def name="cdromList(default='', onchange=None)"> |
18 | ${databaseList(sorted(database.CDROM.query(), key=lambda x: x.description), |
19 | default, onchange, 'cdrom', 'cdromlist', 'cdrom_id', 'description')|n} |
20 | </%def> |
21 | |
22 | <%def name="autoList(default='', onchange=None)"> |
23 | ${databaseList(sorted(database.Autoinstall.query(), key=lambda x: x.description), |
24 | default, onchange, 'autoinstall', 'autoinstalllist', 'autoinstall_id', 'description')|n} |
25 | </%def> |
26 | |
27 | <%def name="vmTypeList(default=None)"> |
28 | % for vmtype in (('linux-hvm', 'HVM'), ('linux', 'ParaVM'), ): |
29 | <label> |
30 | <input ${'checked="checked"' if default == vmtype[0] else '' | n} type="radio" name="vmtype" id="vmtype-${vmtype[0]}" value="${vmtype[0]}">${vmtype[1]}</input> |
31 | </label> |
32 | % endfor |
33 | </%def> |
34 | |
35 | <%def name="errorRow(value, err)"> |
36 | % if err and err.err_field == value: |
37 | <tr> |
38 | <td class="error" colspan="2">${str(err)}</td> |
39 | </tr> |
40 | % endif |
41 | </%def> |
42 | |
43 | <%! |
44 | def jquote(string): |
45 | return "'" + string.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace("'", "\\'").replace('\n', '\\n') + "'" |
46 | |
47 | def nl2br(string): |
48 | return string.replace('\n', '<br/>') |
49 | %> |
50 | |
51 | <%def name="helppopup(subj)"> |
52 | ## Return HTML code for a (?) link to a specified help topic |
53 | <span class="helplink"><a href="help?simple=true;subject=${subj | u}" target="_blank" onclick="return helppopup(${subj | u,jquote})">(?)</a></span> |
54 | </%def> |