from __future__ import with_statement import unittest from fcntl import flock, LOCK_EX, LOCK_SH, LOCK_UN import contextlib as clib class InvirtConfigError(AttributeError): pass class struct(object): 'A simple namespace object.' def __init__(self, d = {}, __prefix = None, **kwargs): 'd is the dictionary or the items-iterable to update my __dict__ with.' self.__dict__.update(d) self.__dict__.update(kwargs) self.__prefix = __prefix def __getattr__(self, key): # XX ideally these would point a frame higher on the stack. prefix = self.__prefix if prefix is not None: raise InvirtConfigError('missing configuration variable %s%s' % (prefix, key)) else: raise AttributeError("anonymous struct has no member '%s'" % (key,)) def dicts2struct(x, prefix = None): """ Given a tree of lists/dicts, perform a deep traversal to transform all the dicts to structs. """ if prefix is not None: def newprefix(k): return prefix + str(k) + '.' else: def newprefix(k): return prefix if type(x) == dict: return struct(((k, dicts2struct(v, newprefix(k))) for k,v in x.iteritems()), prefix) elif type(x) == list: return [dicts2struct(v, newprefix(i)) for i, v in enumerate(x)] else: return x @clib.contextmanager def lock_file(path, exclusive = True): with clib.closing(file(path, 'w')) as f: if exclusive: locktype = LOCK_EX else: locktype = LOCK_SH flock(f, locktype) try: yield finally: flock(f, LOCK_UN) # # Exceptions. # class InvalidInput(Exception): """Exception for user-provided input is invalid but maybe in good faith. This would include setting memory to negative (which might be a typo) but not setting an invalid boot CD (which requires bypassing the select box). """ def __init__(self, err_field, err_value, expl=None): Exception.__init__(self, expl) self.err_field = err_field self.err_value = err_value class CodeError(Exception): """Exception for internal errors or bad faith input.""" pass # # Tests. # class common_tests(unittest.TestCase): def test_dicts2structs(self): dicts = { 'atom': 0, 'dict': { 'atom': 'atom', 'list': [1,2,3] }, 'list': [ 'atom', {'key': 'value'} ] } structs = dicts2struct(dicts, '') self.assertEqual(structs.atom, dicts['atom']) self.assertEqual(structs.dict.atom, dicts['dict']['atom']) self.assertEqual(structs.dict.list, dicts['dict']['list']) self.assertEqual(structs.list[0], dicts['list'][0]) self.assertEqual(structs.list[1].key, dicts['list'][1]['key']) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()