#!/bin/sh #http://www.debian.org/releases/stable/i386/apds03.html.en #SRC=/root/debootstrap.d #SRCHOSTNAME=moo17 #HOSTNAME=debootstrap-test #pick a hostname! HOSTNAME=moo19 DIST=etch IP= PARTITIONS=/root/neboat/testpart VOLUME=/dev/mapper/xenvg-d_${HOSTNAME}_hda ### ### Create the device for SIPB-Xen purposes ### sfdisk -H 255 -S 63 $VOLUME <$PARTITIONS kpartx -a $VOLUME #SWAPDEV=$(sipb-xen-losetup $VOLUME $(( 7903980 * 512 ))) #IMAGEDEV=$(sipb-xen-losetup $VOLUME $(( 63 * 512 ))) # mkfs.ext3 -b 1024 $IMAGEDEV $(( 7903917 / 2 )) #CREATE_IMAGE_CONFIG=./paravm-create.conf #xen-create-image --image-dev $IMAGEDEV --swap-dev $SWAPDEV --fs ext3 --config $CREATE_IMAGE_CONFIG \ # --dist $DIST --hostname $HOSTNAME # xen-create-image --partitions sipb-xen --memory=256MB --ide --arch amd64 --dist etch --hostname moo19 --mirror http://debian.lcs.mit.edu/debian --ip= --netmask= --gateway= --cache xen-create-image --image-dev ${VOLUME}1 --swap-dev ${VOLUME}2 --fs ext3 --ide --memory 256M --arch amd64 --dist etch --hostname $HOSTNAME --mirror http://debian.lcs.mit.edu/debian --ip=$IP --netmask= --gateway= --cache kpartx -d $VOLUME #losetup -d $SWAPDEV #losetup -d $IMAGEDEV ### This should be the end of the script ### The material past this point is solely for reference purposes # time debootstrap --arch amd64 etch "$DEST" http://debian.lcs.mit.edu/debian # cp -a $SRC/fstab $DEST/etc/fstab # cp -a $SRC/interfaces $DEST/etc/network/interfaces # cp -a $SRC/sources.list $DEST/etc/apt/sources.list # cp -a $SRC/update-grub.diff $DEST/root/update-grub.diff # echo $HOSTNAME > $DEST/etc/hostname # sed s/$SRCHOSTNAME/$HOSTNAME/g $SRC/hosts > $DEST/etc/hosts # mount -t proc proc $DEST/proc # LANG=C chroot "$DEST" <&1 | less # aptitude clean # mkdir /boot/grub # aptitude install grub # patch /usr/sbin/update-grub