
Adding a new OS disk images to XVM installable as HVMs is quite simple: simply download a trusted ISO of the os, create the image from it, and add the image to the database.

note: see for man pages you don't have installed locally.

There is in fact a package invirt-images for doing this, but I'll walk through the process with Fedora 14 as an example for your edification.

root@aperture-science:~# wget

root@aperture-science:~# du -sh Fedora-14-i386-DVD.iso

In this case we find that the image is 3.5G, which we need to know to create the logical volume in the volume group named xenvg.

root@aperture-science:~# lvcreate -n image_fedora-14-i686 -L 3.5G xenvg

Having created the space in the volume, we now need to place the image in it, reading from the ISO.

root@aperture-science:~# dd if=Fedora-14-i386-DVD.iso of=/dev/xenvg/image_fedora-14-i686 bs=4M

and then just clean up the old image root@aperture-science:~# rm Fedora-14-i386-DVD.iso In order to allow users to install a copy of Fedora 14 from the web interface, invirt-web, and consequently invirt-database need to know about it. We simply enter it into the database using the postgres shell on xvm.

root@xvm:~# sudo -u postgres psql invirt

invirt=# insert into cdroms values ('fedora-14-i686', 'Fedora 14 (i686)', 'fedora', '14/Fedora')

invirt=# \q

root@xvm:~# exit

Adding new Autoinstalls is somewhat more complicated. Someone (quentin?) should fill in what is required to do that.

Last modified 13 years ago Last modified on Nov 17, 2010, 10:42:07 PM