#!/usr/bin/python import sys import cgi import os import string import subprocess import re import time import cPickle import base64 import sha import hmac print 'Content-Type: text/html\n' sys.stderr = sys.stdout sys.path.append('/home/ecprice/.local/lib/python2.5/site-packages') from Cheetah.Template import Template from sipb_xen_database import * import random class MyException(Exception): pass # ... and stolen from xend/uuid.py def randomUUID(): """Generate a random UUID.""" return [ random.randint(0, 255) for _ in range(0, 16) ] def uuidToString(u): return "-".join(["%02x" * 4, "%02x" * 2, "%02x" * 2, "%02x" * 2, "%02x" * 6]) % tuple(u) def maxMemory(user): return 256 def maxDisk(user): return 10.0 def haveAccess(user, machine): return True def error(op, user, fields, err): d = dict(op=op, user=user, errorMessage=str(err)) print Template(file='error.tmpl', searchList=d); def validMachineName(name): """Check that name is valid for a machine name""" if not name: return False charset = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + '-_' if name[0] in '-_' or len(name) > 22: return False return all(x in charset for x in name) def kinit(username = 'tabbott/extra', keytab = '/etc/tabbott.keytab'): """Kinit with a given username and keytab""" p = subprocess.Popen(['kinit', "-k", "-t", keytab, username]) e = p.wait() if e: raise MyException("Error %s in kinit" % e) def checkKinit(): """If we lack tickets, kinit.""" p = subprocess.Popen(['klist', '-s']) if p.wait(): kinit() def remctl(*args, **kws): """Perform a remctl and return the output. kinits if necessary, and outputs errors to stderr. """ checkKinit() p = subprocess.Popen(['remctl', 'black-mesa.mit.edu'] + list(args), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) if kws.get('err'): return p.stdout.read(), p.stderr.read() if p.wait(): print >> sys.stderr, 'ERROR on remctl ', args print >> sys.stderr, p.stderr.read() return p.stdout.read() def makeDisks(): """Update the lvm partitions to include all disks in the database.""" remctl('web', 'lvcreate') def bootMachine(machine, cdtype): """Boot a machine with a given boot CD. If cdtype is None, give no boot cd. Otherwise, it is the string id of the CD (e.g. 'gutsy_i386') """ if cdtype is not None: remctl('web', 'vmboot', machine.name, cdtype) else: remctl('web', 'vmboot', machine.name) def registerMachine(machine): """Register a machine to be controlled by the web interface""" remctl('web', 'register', machine.name) def parseStatus(s): """Parse a status string into nested tuples of strings. s = output of xm list --long """ values = re.split('([()])', s) stack = [[]] for v in values[2:-2]: #remove initial and final '()' if not v: continue v = v.strip() if v == '(': stack.append([]) elif v == ')': stack[-2].append(stack[-1]) stack.pop() else: if not v: continue stack[-1].extend(v.split()) return stack[-1] def statusInfo(machine): value_string, err_string = remctl('list-long', machine.name, err=True) if 'Unknown command' in err_string: raise MyException("ERROR in remctl list-long %s is not registered" % (machine.name,)) elif 'does not exist' in err_string: return None elif err_string: raise MyException("ERROR in remctl list-long %s: %s" % (machine.name, err_string)) status = parseStatus(value_string) return status def hasVnc(status): if status is None: return False for l in status: if l[0] == 'device' and l[1][0] == 'vfb': d = dict(l[1][1:]) return 'location' in d return False def createVm(user, name, memory, disk, is_hvm, cdrom): # put stuff in the table transaction = ctx.current.create_transaction() try: res = meta.engine.execute('select nextval(\'"machines_machine_id_seq"\')') id = res.fetchone()[0] machine = Machine() machine.machine_id = id machine.name = name machine.memory = memory machine.owner = user.username machine.contact = user.email machine.uuid = uuidToString(randomUUID()) machine.boot_off_cd = True machine_type = Type.get_by(hvm=is_hvm) machine.type_id = machine_type.type_id ctx.current.save(machine) disk = Disk(machine.machine_id, 'hda', disk) open = NIC.select_by(machine_id=None) if not open: #No IPs left! return "No IP addresses left! Contact sipb-xen-dev@mit.edu" nic = open[0] nic.machine_id = machine.machine_id nic.hostname = name ctx.current.save(nic) ctx.current.save(disk) transaction.commit() except: transaction.rollback() raise makeDisks() registerMachine(machine) # tell it to boot with cdrom bootMachine(machine, cdrom) return machine def create(user, fields): name = fields.getfirst('name') if not validMachineName(name): raise MyException("Invalid name '%s'" % name) name = name.lower() if Machine.get_by(name=name): raise MyException("A machine named '%s' already exists" % name) memory = fields.getfirst('memory') try: memory = int(memory) if memory <= 0: raise ValueError except ValueError: raise MyException("Invalid memory amount") if memory > maxMemory(user): raise MyException("Too much memory requested") disk = fields.getfirst('disk') try: disk = float(disk) disk = int(disk * 1024) if disk <= 0: raise ValueError except ValueError: raise MyException("Invalid disk amount") if disk > maxDisk(user): raise MyException("Too much disk requested") vm_type = fields.getfirst('vmtype') if vm_type not in ('hvm', 'paravm'): raise MyException("Invalid vm type '%s'" % vm_type) is_hvm = (vm_type == 'hvm') cdrom = fields.getfirst('cdrom') if cdrom is not None and not CDROM.get(cdrom): raise MyException("Invalid cdrom type '%s'" % cdrom) machine = createVm(user, name, memory, disk, is_hvm, cdrom) if isinstance(machine, basestring): raise MyException(machine) d = dict(user=user, machine=machine) print Template(file='create.tmpl', searchList=d); def listVms(user, fields): machines = Machine.select() status = statusInfo(machines) has_vnc = {} for m in machines: on[m.name] = status[m.name] is not None has_vnc[m.name] = hasVnc(status[m.name]) d = dict(user=user, maxmem=maxMemory(user), maxdisk=maxDisk(user), machines=machines, status=status, has_vnc=has_vnc, cdroms=CDROM.select()) print Template(file='list.tmpl', searchList=d) def testMachineId(user, machineId, exists=True): if machineId is None: raise MyException("No machine ID specified") try: machineId = int(machineId) except ValueError: raise MyException("Invalid machine ID '%s'" % machineId) machine = Machine.get(machineId) if exists and machine is None: raise MyException("No such machine ID '%s'" % machineId) if not haveAccess(user, machine): raise MyException("No access to machine ID '%s'" % machineId) return machine def vnc(user, fields): """VNC applet page. Note that due to same-domain restrictions, the applet connects to the webserver, which needs to forward those requests to the xen server. The Xen server runs another proxy that (1) authenticates and (2) finds the correct port for the VM. You might want iptables like: -t nat -A PREROUTING -s ! -i eth1 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 10003 -j DNAT --to-destination -t nat -A POSTROUTING -d -o eth1 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 10003 -j SNAT --to-source -A FORWARD -d -i eth1 -o eth1 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 10003 -j ACCEPT """ machine = testMachineId(user, fields.getfirst('machine_id')) #XXX fix TOKEN_KEY = "0M6W0U1IXexThi5idy8mnkqPKEq1LtEnlK/pZSn0cDrN" data = {} data["user"] = user data["machine"]=machine data["expires"]=time.time()+(5*60) pickledData = cPickle.dumps(data) m = hmac.new(TOKEN_KEY, digestmod=sha) m.update(pickledData) token = {'data': pickledData, 'digest': m.digest()} token = cPickle.dumps(token) token = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(token) d = dict(user=user, machine=machine, hostname=os.environ.get('SERVER_NAME', 'localhost'), authtoken=token) print Template(file='vnc.tmpl', searchList=d) def info(user, fields): machine = testMachineId(user, fields.getfirst('machine_id')) d = dict(user=user, machine=machine) print Template(file='info.tmpl', searchList=d) mapping = dict(list=listVms, vnc=vnc, info=info, create=create) if __name__ == '__main__': fields = cgi.FieldStorage() class C: username = "moo" email = 'moo@cow.com' u = C() connect('postgres://sipb-xen@sipb-xen-dev/sipb_xen') operation = os.environ.get('PATH_INFO', '') if not operation: pass #XXX do redirect if operation.startswith('/'): operation = operation[1:] if not operation: operation = 'list' fun = mapping.get(operation, lambda u, e: error(operation, u, e, "Invalid operation '%'" % operation)) try: fun(u, fields) except MyException, err: error(operation, u, fields, err)