#!/usr/bin/python import pprint import subprocess from webcommon import InvalidInput # import ldap # l = ldap.open("W92-130-LDAP-2.mit.edu") # # ldap.mit.edu is 1/2 broken right now so we're going to the working backend # l.simple_bind_s("", "") # def getLdapGroups(user): # """ # getLdapGroups(user): returns a generator for the list of LDAP groups containing user # """ # for user_data in l.search_s("ou=affiliates,dc=mit,dc=edu", ldap.SCOPE_ONELEVEL, "uid=" + user, []): # for group_data in l.search_s("ou=groups,dc=mit,dc=edu", ldap.SCOPE_ONELEVEL, "uniqueMember="+user_data[0], ['cn']): # yield group_data[1]['cn'][0] # def checkLdapGroups(user, group): # """ # checkLdapGroups(user, group): returns True if and only if user is in LDAP group group # """ # for result_data in l.search_s("ou=affiliates,dc=mit,dc=edu", ldap.SCOPE_ONELEVEL, "uid=" + user, []): # if l.search_s("ou=groups,dc=mit,dc=edu", ldap.SCOPE_ONELEVEL, "(&(cn=" + group + ")(uniqueMember="+result_data[0] + "))", []) != []: # return True # return False class MyException(Exception): pass def getAfsGroupMembers(group, cell): p = subprocess.Popen(["pts", "membership", group, '-c', cell], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) if p.wait(): return [] return [line.strip() for line in p.stdout.readlines()[1:]] def getLockerPath(locker): if '/' in locker or locker in ['.', '..']: raise InvalidInput('owner', locker, 'Locker name is invalid.') return '/mit/' + locker def checkAfsGroup(user, group, cell): """ checkAfsGroup(user, group) returns True if and only if user is in AFS group group in cell cell """ return user in getAfsGroupMembers(group, cell) def getCell(locker): p = subprocess.Popen(["fs", "whichcell", getLockerPath(locker)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) if p.wait(): raise MyException(p.stderr.read()) return p.stdout.read().split()[-1][1:-1] def getLockerAcl(locker): p = subprocess.Popen(["fs", "listacl", getLockerPath(locker)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) if p.wait(): raise MyException(p.stderr.read()) lines = p.stdout.readlines() values = [] for line in lines[1:]: fields = line.split() if fields[0] == 'Negative': break if 'a' in fields[1]: values.append(fields[0]) return values def notLockerOwner(user, locker): """ notLockerOwner(user, locker) returns false if and only if user administers locker. If the user does not own the locker, returns the string reason for the failure. """ try: cell = getCell(locker) values = getLockerAcl(locker) except MyException, e: return str(e) for entry in values: if entry == user or (entry[0:6] == "system" and checkAfsGroup(user, entry, cell)): return False return "You don't have admin bits on " + getLockerPath(locker) if __name__ == "__main__": # print list(getldapgroups("tabbott")) print checkAfsGroup("tabbott", "system:debathena", 'athena.mit.edu') print checkAfsGroup("tabbott", "system:debathena", 'sipb.mit.edu') print checkAfsGroup("tabbott", "system:debathena-root", 'athena.mit.edu') print checkAfsGroup("tabbott", "system:hmmt-request", 'athena.mit.edu') print notLockerOwner("tabbott", "tabbott") print notLockerOwner("tabbott", "debathena") print notLockerOwner("tabbott", "sipb") print notLockerOwner("tabbott", "lsc") print notLockerOwner("tabbott", "scripts") print notLockerOwner("ecprice", "hmmt")