# Anemon Dhcp # Copyright (C) 2005 Mathieu Ignacio -- mignacio@april.org # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA # Check and convert ipv4 address type class ipv4: def __init__(self,value="") : ip_type = type(value) if ip_type == str : if not self.CheckString(value) : raise ValueError, "ipv4 string argument is not an valid ip " self._ip_string = value self._StringToNumlist() self._StringToLong() self._NumlistToString() elif ip_type == list : if not self.CheckNumList(value) : raise ValueError, "ipv4 list argument is not an valid ip " self._ip_numlist = value self._NumlistToString() self._StringToLong() elif ip_type == int or ip_type == long: self._ip_long = value self._LongToNumlist() self._NumlistToString() elif ip_type == bool : self._ip_long = 0 self._LongToNumlist() self._NumlistToString() else : raise TypeError , 'ipv4 init : Valid types are str, list, int or long' # Convert Long type ip to numlist ip def _LongToNumlist(self) : self._ip_numlist = [self._ip_long >> 24 & 0xFF] self._ip_numlist.append(self._ip_long >> 16 & 0xFF) self._ip_numlist.append(self._ip_long >> 8 & 0xFF) self._ip_numlist.append(self._ip_long & 0xFF) if not self.CheckNumList(self._ip_numlist) : raise ValueError, "ipv4 list argument is not an valid ip " # Convert String type ip to Long type ip def _StringToLong(self) : ip_numlist = map(int,self._ip_string.split('.')) self._ip_long = ip_numlist[3] + ip_numlist[2]*256 + ip_numlist[1]*256*256 + ip_numlist[0]*256*256*256 if not self.CheckNumList(self._ip_numlist) : raise ValueError, "ipv4 list argument is not an valid ip " # Convert NumList type ip to String type ip def _NumlistToString(self) : self._ip_string = ".".join(map(str,self._ip_numlist)) if not self.CheckNumList(self._ip_numlist) : raise ValueError, "ipv4 list argument is not an valid ip " # Convert String type ip to NumList type ip def _StringToNumlist(self) : self._ip_numlist = map(int,self._ip_string.split('.')) if not self.CheckNumList(self._ip_numlist) : raise ValueError, "ipv4 list argument is not an valid ip " """ Public methods """ # Check if _ip_numlist is valid and raise error if not. # self._ip_numlist def CheckNumList(self,value) : if len(value) != 4 : return False for part in value : if part < 0 or part > 255 : return False return True # Check if _ip_numlist is valid and raise error if not. def CheckString(self,value) : tmp = value.split('.') if len(tmp) != 4 : return False for each in tmp : if not each.isdigit() : return False return True # return ip string def str(self) : return self._ip_string __str__=str # return ip list (useful for DhcpPacket class) def list(self) : return self._ip_numlist # return Long ip type (useful for SQL ip address backend) def int(self) : return self._ip_long """ Useful function for native python operations """ def __hash__(self) : return self._ip_long.__hash__() def __repr__(self) : return self._ip_string def __cmp__(self,other) : return cmp(self._ip_long, other._ip_long); def __nonzero__(self) : if self._ip_long != 0 : return 1 return 0